Did you know there are currently more than 5000 micro-generation sites in Alberta? Wondering what a micro-generator is? Under the current Micro-generation Regulation, Alberta supports the development of simple, safe and reliable micro-generation technologies for domestic use. This regulation allows Albertans to generate their own electricity from small (less than 5 MW) alternative and renewable sources of energy and receive credit for any power they send to the electricity grid. Technologies may include solar photovoltaic, solar/wind combined systems, micro-wind turbines, small hydro systems, small gas turbines, fuel cells, biomass, pump jacks, and waste heat recovery systems.
Small Solar Micro-generators in Alberta
Many of the early solar micro-generators & adopters in Alberta invested in their solar PV systems when there were no government incentives or rebates available and the cost of the technology was also significantly higher. It was only in recent years that we have seen some programs come and go in Alberta which momentarily helped to support the solar industry. For instance, the Light Up Alberta program which compensated micro-generators with 15 cents/kWh for their excess energy, ended abruptly in August 2013. Next, Energy Efficiency Alberta launched a Residential and Commercial Solar Program in June 2017 which provided homeowners, businesses and non-profit organizations with a partial grant for grid-connected solar PV systems. This beneficial rebate program helped spur and encourage solar adoption in our province to record levels until it was unfortunately canceled after the last election in 2019. As a result, there are currently no provincial government incentives or rebate programs available for micro-generators in Alberta. However, the City of Edmonton offers its own solar rebate program for residents in Edmonton. More details can be found here: https://homes.changeforclimate.ca/solar-rebate-program/
Fortunately, the cost of solar PV technology has dropped by more than 70% over the last five years, making solar more affordable than ever. It’s still a great investment for your energy future and the environment!
At ACE, we strongly believe solar microgenerators in Alberta should be compensated fairly for their excess renewable energy that is exported into the grid instead of just the regular retail rate.
Therefore, we have developed a comprehensive program for microgenerators that offer higher compensation when they are exporting more energy to the grid than they are consuming, as well as a competitive rate plan to switch over to when they are producing less energy and are more reliant on grid power. In addition, our green generators have the opportunity to sell the renewable energy attributes of their exported energy as Green Energy Offsets to our customers through our Green Offset Program. See the details below.